On episode 20 of the Remote Ruby podcast, Chris and I play a game of trivia. These questions are composed of information from Wikipedia and beneggett/ruby-trivia.
I have no doubts that some of this information could be wrong. I was a late bloomer to Ruby. 😎
I hope you enjoy(ed) the episode.
- According to Matz, what year was Ruby conceived? 1993
- What year did Ruby first appear? 1995
- There were two potential names for the language. In the end, Ruby was the name chosen. What was the other proposed name? Coral
- What was the first book written in English about Ruby? Programming Ruby
- What year did the popular Ruby web framework Ruby on Rails first appear? 2005
- On what day is a new version of Ruby typically released each year? December 25
- What version of Ruby unified the Fixnum and Bignum classes into the Integer Class? Ruby 2.4
- What version of Ruby introduced keyword arguments? Ruby 2.0
- What version of Ruby introduced the safe navigation operator? Ruby 2.3
- What version of Ruby introduced the ability to use colons for symbol keys alongside the hash syntax? Ruby 1.9
- What version introduce method chaining using the yield_self method? Ruby 2.5
- What is the estimated release date for Ruby 3.0? Hint: It’s a year. 2020
- When you define a method at the top level, what class is that method called on? Object Class
- What is the standard Ruby interpreter often referred as? MRI
- What Ruby implementation was designed for enterprise environments and optimized for large-scale Ruby on Rails apps? REE
- What web framework did Ruby on Rails merge with for the release of Rails 3? Merb
- What is the name of the popular graphic novel used to introduce Ruby to developers? Why’s (poignant) Guide to Ruby
- What popular implementation of Ruby runs on the JVM? Jruby
- What is the name of the upcoming implementation of Ruby on the GraalVM? TruffleRuby
- What year did Matz recently announce as a potential year for him to retire? 2025
- Can methods be added to a Struct? yes
- Which method is invoked when a method is not found? method_missing
- Which method is invoked when a constant is not found? const_missing
- What error is raised if a method is passed the wrong number of arguments? ArgumentError
- What is the default encoding of MRI? UTF-8
- Why must a module name begin with a capital letter? It’s a new constant
- Are constants public or private? public
- Is initialize public or private by default? private
- Does a method return a value if it does not contain an expression? it returns nil (which is a value)
- Name one immutable object in Ruby? symbols